Catalogue of Late and Ptolemaic Period Anthropoid Sarcophagi in the Grand Egyptian Museum: Grand Egyptian Museum: Catalogue Vol. 1
A documentation, using latest technologies, of the Late and Ptolemaic Period anthropoid sarcophagi housed in CairoÕs Grand Egyptian Museum
The individually designed anthropoid sarcophagi of the Late and Ptolemaic Period housed in CairoÕs Grand Egyptian Museum are often the only surviving parts of a burial. Especially since the Ptolemaic period, an increasingly rich and varied repertoire of texts and scenes can be found on the sarcophagiÕs surfaces, some of which show parallels to temple decoration. They thus represent an important source of funerary texts and images as well as clues to the religious ideas of late ancient Egypt. However, until now, most of this collection was known only from the entries in Marie-Louise BuhlÕs The Late Egyptian Anthropoid Stone Sarcophagi (Copenhagen, 1959). Drawing on the latest technologies, this publication, the result of a joint project of Cairo University and University of TŸbingen scholars, presents an extensive and detailed catalogue of the Late and Ptolemaic Period anthropoid sarcophagi housed in the museum. With over 450 photographs and drawings.