Kallimni Arabi Aktar: An Upper Intermediate Course in Spoken Egyptian Arabic 3
Samia Louis
Aimed at the growing number of students studying Arabic worldwide, Kallimni Arabi Aktar takes an innovative, functional approach to the study of Egyptian colloquial Arabicthe spoken dialect most frequently studied and most widely understood in the Arab world. Picking up where the previous title in this series, Kallimni Arabi, leaves off, this volume is designed for adult students at the high-intermediate/low-advanced levels of language proficiency. Drawing on her years of experience as an Arabic instructor, author Samia Louis has developed a course rich in everyday cultural content and real-life functional language as well as comprehensive grammar. Written in accordance with the ACTFL guidelines for teaching Arabic as a foreign language, this highly structured course trains students in the crucial skills, with emphasis on listening and speaking.
Each chapter includes a conversation unit that enables students to improve their communication skills and allows for progressive acquisition of vocabulary and grammar through interactive classroom tasks and everyday situations, from expressing personal likes and dislikes to initiating conversations and describing events and experiences. The accompanying audio CD has recordings of each chapters dialogues and exercises, made by native Egyptian speakers to enrich the students exposure to the spoken language in its natural context and speed.