Classic Egyptian Movies: 101 Must-See Films

Classic Egyptian Movies: 101 Must-See Films

AUC Press

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Sameh Fathy

A prolific film industry has flourished on the banks of the Nile since the earliest days of cinema, producing movies that have been hugely popular and immensely influential not only in Egypt but across the Arab world. Concentrating on productions written and produced entirely in Egypt, Sameh Fathy a film critic with an encyclopedic knowledge of the history of Egyptian cinema here selects the 101 most important movies to come out of Cairos famous studios over the last eighty years. From classic comedies like Salam Is Fine to social dramas like The Second Wife, and from literary adaptations like Call of the Curlew to masterpieces of the cinematic art like The Night of Counting the Years, the author introduces us to each films writers, producers, directors, and stars, and explains the movies particular historical, cultural, or artistic significance. Illustrated throughout with posters and stills from all the movies covered.

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